Friday, April 13, 2007

Top 10 Lessons By A 4-Year-Old Mom

That's me - a 4-year-old mom. Sure I'm 36 years of age, but really only a 4-year-old mother. As I always say, when a child is born to a first-time mom, a mother is born too. So here I am four beautiful and confusing years later; and I do feel like I am wiser somehow. At least I like to believe so.

10. Never leave home without a bottle of water, wipes or paper towels, and an extra change of clothes, no matter how old your child gets. Especially if they're the throwing up kind. Or you can just hang out with friends (like Pinky + Dani) who never leave their homes without an extra change of clothes and the like.

9. Work will always be there and it will never, ever get done. Neither will the laundry. Nor the dishes. But the sun is only out for a limited time so might as well go out and enjoy the day.

8. Leaving the clean laundry in the trunk of the car overnight preserves their freshly-laundered scent. At least that's my excuse.

7. It sucks to always be told what to do - when my daughter bosses me around, I realize that she's just mimicking me and I make a mental note to hold my tongue and let her be as long as she isn't getting hurt or doing harm to others.

6. Washable paint isn't always that washable. Ditto with markers - except the Crayola brand which are come off more easily than other makes.

5. If you breastfeed long enough, you and your child can actually reminisce together and talk about those times...we did and I can't believe how much she remembers.

4. If you inhale their scent deeply enough, you can find traces of the newborn baby smell that you will never forget.

3. There is nothing more heart-wrenching than your child saying to you, "I love you too too much, Mommy. I love you more than you love me!" when you're upset at something they did and in the middle of giving a consequence.

2. Nothing ever really prepared me for motherhood, but having grown up cocooned by my own mother's selfless love has made me into a better mom than I ever thought I could be.

1. I may be raising a child, an adult in my daughter, but everyday and every moment that I am with her, I am aware of how she in turn, is raising me as a mother.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Dear 4-yr-old Mom

I loved your comments in your top 10 lessons. There is such a sweetness in watching little ones grow. I'm a much older mom, in fact my 5 babies are all grown (never thought I'd see that day), and my grandchildren are pretty well all grown too! I don't know how that happened, time flies!

Well experience and hindsight are great teachers, and it became clear to me what kids really need to know to deal with the world around them, so I wrote the book I wish I had when I was a young mother and put it on a website. It's at I think you'll like it.

grandmother, and
great grandmother